
Adult Invisalign: Straighten Your Teeth Without Anyone Knowing

Jun 24, 2024
Adult Invisalign: Straighten Your Teeth Without Anyone Knowing

Adult Invisalign: Straighten Your Teeth Without Anyone Knowing

The days of needing to mount a bunch of metal to your teeth are well behind us. Today, a wide array of smile issues — from crowded teeth to gaps — can be corrected in a way that’s much less visible. With clear plastic aligners from Invisalign®, you can move toward your smile goals without the people in your life knowing. 

That’s why Gemini Master-Patel, DMD, and our team provide Invisalign treatment at our Riverside Dental offices in Yonkers or Thornwood, New York. With this smile-straightening option, even busy adults can make strides toward aligned teeth without interrupting their lives — or their appearance.

Understanding Invisalign for adults

Traditional braces work by mounting a bracket to each of your teeth and then connecting those brackets to a stiff archwire. The brackets move along the wire, gradually shifting your teeth into their desired positions.

Invisalign works similarly, but instead of using a bunch of metal, it relies on clear plastic aligners. Dr. Master-Patel starts by taking a digital scan of your smile. Using a 3D printer, she creates the first set of aligners to fit over your teeth in their current position and to move them slightly toward the position you want. 

You wear each aligner set for a week or two (depending on Dr. Master-Patel’s recommendation) and then swap them out for your next set. Each successive aligner set moves your teeth closer and closer to their final, desired position. 

Dr. Master-Patel is an Invisalign-approved provider. That means she can tell you if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign and, if so, she can get you started with treatment. 

The perks of living with Invisalign

Invisalign offers a few notable benefits over traditional braces, including:

  • Significantly less visibility
  • Greater comfort
  • More convenience

Let’s look at each of these individually. The first advantage is clear — literally. Because Invisalign is made from clear plastic, it looks nearly invisible in your mouth. We even trim your aligners to match as precisely as possible with your gum line, helping them hide in your smile.

Plus, because these aligners are made from smooth plastic, they’re much more comfortable than traditional braces. You don’t need to worry about scraping your lips or cheeks on any metal or poking yourself with your archwire. 

Finally, Invisalign blends more easily into the busy adult’s life because you only need to wear them 22 hours a day. That means you can remove them to give a presentation at work, play your sport of choice, or eat your favorite sticky food. 

Just as importantly, you can remove your aligners to clean your teeth. This allows you to brush and floss normally instead of navigating around brackets and wires. 

If you want to explore this option to straighten your teeth without anyone knowing, call our Riverside Dental office nearest you or book your appointment online today.