
Laser Periodontal Therapy for Gum Disease: No Pain, All Gain

May 14, 2024
Laser Periodontal Therapy for Gum Disease: No Pain, All Gain

Laser Periodontal Therapy for Gum Disease: No Pain, All Gain

Oral health isn’t just about your teeth. Your gums play a huge role in your overall oral wellness. In fact, serious gum problems can lead to tooth loss. 

This is particularly problematic because nearly half of American adults over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal (gum) disease. In its early days, this disease can usually be reversed with diligent brushing and flossing. But as it advances, correcting it gets more involved. 

Fortunately, Gemini Master-Patel, DMD, and our team offer treatment for periodontal disease here at our Riverside Dental offices in Yonkers or Thornwood, New York. More good news: We can use sophisticated lasers to treat your gum disease without the discomfort that comes with traditional treatment. 

Using laser therapy to treat gum disease

You start needing targeted gum treatment once your gum separates from your tooth. Healthy gums attach to your tooth all the way up to your gum line. But as the bacteria in plaque starts to damage your gum tissue, it pulls away from your tooth root. 

At this point, the problem grows because that separation allows plaque to develop under your gum line. 

Traditionally, dental professionals addressed this with a treatment called scaling and root planing. That means using metal tools to reach under your gum line, scrape away plaque, and then smooth the tooth root to encourage your gum to reattach to it. But scaling and root planing is often uncomfortable. That’s where lasers come in.

With laser therapy, we can perform the plaque removal and tooth root smoothing you need without having to use metal instruments to dig under your gum line. That makes this option for addressing gum disease just as effective with much less discomfort. 

The benefits of laser gum therapy

Laser periodontal therapy doesn’t just deliver the benefit of less pain during treatment. It also means less discomfort and faster healing afterward. 

The soft tissue lasers we use to treat periodontal disease kill the bacteria that cause plaque quickly. At the same time, the laser’s heat encourages rapid healing in your gum tissue. 

Ultimately, this means you get highly effective treatment with less downtime. You should have less post-treatment pain and bleeding than you would with traditional scaling and root planing. 

If your gums seem irritated, hurt, or bleed easily, make an appointment with Dr. Master-Patel. If you catch it early enough, gum disease is fairly easy to reverse. And if it has advanced to the point that you need treatment, we can deliver it with less pain and downtime thanks to laser therapy.

Call our Riverside Dental office nearest you or book your appointment online today.